At 6 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, August 11, 2022, the four main on-air players of the MJ Morning Show were nowhere to be seen around the Beasley Media Group complex where the Q105 studios are housed in St. Petersburg, FL. Only Andrew, the show’s current producer, was around, preparing audio clips and handling his normal pre-show duties.
That’s because of a bad car accident on the Howard Frankland Bridge, a major thoroughfare that connects South Tampa to South Pinellas County. MJ, Fester, Froggy, and Roxanne were all stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, literally completely stopped at times. MJ called into the show from his car right at 6 a.m., and Andrew put him on the air. He was then joined by Fester on the phone in the second segment. Finally, by the third segment, MJ arrived at the station to crack his microphone nearly 40 minutes into the broadcast. Then came Froggy. Then Fester. Then Roxanne finally walked in at 6:52, just before they went to break again.
This was likely the first time in the 20-year history of the morning show that such an instance of this had occurred. At least a few crew members are always in the studio at the top of the show, even if Froggy and Fester roll in at the last minute. So, listeners may have been jarred awake at the sound of MJ and Fester talking on the phone rather than into their regular mikes.
MJ said he wondered what would happen if such an accident had held up the crew since they all take the bridge in the morning. Ultimately, it was only a matter of time for them to find out. At least he was able to call in and get a good connection while on the bridge. Andrew could have always put on some best-of segments or spun a few “’80s and more” tunes before they all arrived.